Friday, January 29, 2010

{Point of View} Research, Understanding Content, Concepting Visualization

You will be gathering content beyond the essays to use in this project. To supplement the reading experience, designer photographs, images of work representing designer and theme, charts, timelines, etc., should populate the design to add layers of content to the reading experience. Investigate timelines and facts surrounding both designers and subject matter.

For studio and homework collect images and facts around our designers and themes. Sketch possible ways to distill and visualize complex content to add to the reading experience.

Friday 29 January

in class
  • talk about modernism, post-, massi, kathy 
  • look at ad-hoc info arch eye candy
  • group brainstorming for content development
  • concept & sketch ideas for information graphics


  • find and share a timeline based info graph, bar chart, pie chart, and one representational diagram
  • sketch out ideas for our content, timelines of designers, modernism & post modernism ....
  • gather images and content related to our themes



    and the blog I found it on is good as well
