Wednesday, February 24, 2010

{Point of View} Designin' and Refinin'

Wednesday, 24 February

in class

  • start: 3 person group crits, 30 minutes. discussion points:
    1. is the interaction/navigation understandable for the viewer
    2. are the visual metaphors/design appropriate and interesting
    3. is is beautiful and useful
    4. is supplemental information used in the design, does it bring deeper understanding to the content
  • place presentations on my drop box
  • studio time: design refinement


1 comment:

  1. Great reading. I think I used to be really opinionated, about many things, often judging others based on my own worldview and level of understanding. In the last 10 years of my life I have begun to see the value in not being so opinionated because there is much in life I don't know about people and things and it's better to learn. People are complex. It's quite rude to think someone else has the same perceptions and values as I do. Life should be about listening and observing and asking questions. Who are we to judge another persons actions based on our own perceptions and value set when we don't even know them?
    The last bit too about the standard forms of communication being maps is great. Although there are plenty of differences person to person, culture to culture, there are surely ways we can share the different sets of information, and maps form a great foundation for that information to travel over.
